This work package focused on creating a well-defined and sound dissemination strategy for CONTESSA that allowed for an increased awareness of the project and maximization of its impact. In order to effectively reach as many interested stakeholders as possible, all project partners contributed to the dissemination of CONTESSA throughout the project’s lifecycle and also after its end. Partners used all available dissemination channels including this project website, social media, local and national print and TV media, academic journals and presentation events.

To ensure localized and more personal communication, each partner institution also produced respective information materials including pamphlets and information brochures and engaged in public relations work in their respective countries. Throughout this process, special efforts were made to recognize and integrate important ethnic and cultural aspects in each individual country and community.

This work package included:

5.1 Project website

5.2 Presentation event: Symposium Cambodia

5.3 Presentation event: Symposium Sri Lanka

5.4 Public relations

5.5 Roadshows

5.6 Final conference: Cambodia

5.7 Final conference: Sri Lanka