Andreas Dürrschmidt & Christian Müller published a collaborative research paper titled ‘Collaborative Learning in the Context of International Educational Cooperation Using the Example of the EU Project “CONTESSA”’. The paper was published on DGfE-Kongress 2021 in Dresden.
This contribution provides insight into the Erasmus+ project CONTESSA and its Train-the-Trainer program. In cooperation with all project partners, researchers in the department of Adult Education, Continuing Vocational Education and Training and Comparative Education at Dresden University of Technology have created a sustainable multiplier program. Although CONTESSA is a project in the realm of primary education, the role of adult education goes beyond the mere instrumental achievement of project goals. Using a practical example of successful international educational cooperation, the article focuses on the realization of collaborative learning scenarios from a micro-didactic perspective. It provides insight into contemporary andragogic practice using different approaches to collaborative learning as theoretical background. The article concludes with a short description of the (collaborative) development of the Train-the-Trainer program as well as it highlights the role of case studies as a central element in the micro-didactic realization of learning arrangements for teacher educators and teacher trainers.
Bibliographical Entry:
Dürrschmidt, A. & Müller, C. (2022). Kollaboratives Lernen im Kontext der internationalen Bildungszusammenarbeit am Beispiel des EU-Projekts „CONTESSA“. In A. Grotlüschen, B. Käpplinger, G. Molzberger & S. Schmidt-Lauff (Eds.), Erwachsenenbildung in internationalen Perspektiven. Chancen und Grenzen. (Schriftreihe der Sektion Erwachsenenbildung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, pp. 142-152). Verlag Barbara Budrich. DOI: 10.3224/84742665